Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lela Bizz-Soulful Singer from VA

Hello Everyone!

I would like to introduce you to Malika Bizzell AKA Lela Bizz. Ive known this girl since junior year in high school and I've watched her grow as an artist since. She has a soulful sultry voice that will keep you wanting more. Please look her up and follow her journey as an aspiring artist you wont be disappointed.  Here is a short questionaire i sent to her just to give you guys a taste of who she is and where to check her out! thanks.

Lela Bizz nterview:


Where are you from?
Richmond Va

How long have you been singing?
I have been singing every since I can remember! My earliest memory is 5 years old. I was singing about Christmas Gifts on camera lol

What type of music do you like? 

I love alllll types of music ! Country, Pop, Classic soul that would probably be my favorite .

Who are your influences?
I love the Greats Aretha Franklin, Old Whitney Houston, (lol ) Dionne Warwick, Odis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Hall and Oats, The Dells??sheeesh the list goes on! lol

What about you makes you different from other singers?

I think I bring Soul back to Rhythm and Blues.  annnnnnnnnnnnnnd Im Bald headed lol

Whats your favorite color?
Blue all different shades. Love that color :)

Whats your favorite food?
Well my diet has changed from when I was younger and so has my favorite food! lol sooooo favorite food is anything Seafood that is definitely the way to my heart??lol

Do you play any instruments?
I  use to play the flute for a few weeks and the violin for like a month! lol Singing is the only thing that stuck with me.

Where can we find you? (twitter, youtube,email etc)
Follow me @LelaBizz
Reverb Nation-!/lelabizz
Website coming soon. I also have a new project coming out Spring of 2011

Last words? (convince us why your great ;) )
Last words!!!! Just hear a few of my songs or covers on Youtube. I think You will understand what I was put here to do!! :) #POW lol


  1. Wow! Definitely Lela Bizz is one of my favorite artists. She is a woman with great talent which is so apparent when she opens her mouth to sing. I'm such a hugh fan of both women, the Promoter Nejha and the artist Lela. Proud of both you ladies and happy to see you ladies strive and achieve such big things! Great Blog!
